The handover of the construction of the Agribusiness Lab, Equipment Warehouse & Material Warehouse of FST from the Construction Vendor with FST UIN Jakarta on 16/01/2025 went smoothly. The handover event for the construction of the Agribusiness Lab, Equipment Warehouse & Material Warehouse of FST was attended by both parties from FST UIN Jakarta represented by the Head of Administration of the Faculty of Science and Technology Dra. Faozah, MA, Damar Jalu Riantoro S.E, Iping Ruspendi, SP, and Mohammad Yusuf, S.Kom and from PPK Retno Wulansari SAP, M.Si. along with the Planning and Finance (PK) staff of UIN Jakarta. and from the Implementing Vendor.
Susunan Acara terdiri dari:
1. Penandatangan Dokumen Serah Terima Pembangunan Lab Agribisnis
2. Serah Terima Kunci Gudang Peralatan & Gudang Bahan
3. Pengecekan Progres terakhir Gudang Peralatan & Gudang Bahan
In his speech, Dra. Faojah MA told the implementing vendors to correct any deficiencies that have not been resolved in the construction of equipment and material warehouses if deficiencies/defects are found in the building.
On that occasion, the Chancellor of UIN Jakarta, Prof. Asep Saepudin Jahar MA, Ph.D. also came to the Agribusiness Lab to check the condition of the facilities and infrastructure of the Equipment Warehouse & Material Warehouse, Green House and Experimental Garden on the PPG UIN Jakarta land.