Pusat Laboratorium Terpadu
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 95 Ciputat, Banten, Indonesia - 15412


Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
B » Berita  »  Training on Magnetic Susceptibility Meter (SM-300)
Training on Magnetic Susceptibility Meter (SM-300)
Beranda » Berita  »  Training on Magnetic Susceptibility Meter (SM-300)
Training on Magnetic Susceptibility Meter (SM-300)

Today, August 12 2024, training was held on the Magnetic Susceptibility Meter (SM-300), a tool for measuring the magnetic susceptibility of rocks. This training was held by PT. Delta Scientific by presenting a senior researcher in the field of Quantum Physics from BRIN, Mr. Joko Suwardy. The activity was attended by Physics PLPs, related PLP PLTs, lecturers from the FSt Physics Study Program, as well as physics students who will be majoring in Geophysics.